Web Design

Plan. Make. Launch. Revise.

------ and repeat ------

Through over 20 years of web development, Wink's has relied on one basic approach while closely collaborating with our clients in creating successful sites.

Our Project Lifecycle

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"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

-Francis of Assisi

Website Analysis

  • Analyze your Web Needs,
  • Learn about the Web,
  • Plan your Site

From the very start of any design - or re-design - process I talk to my clients about search engine optimization. We have three basic web development guidelines for our clients:

  1. Your website should reflect your company. Your website is the most viewed extension of your company in the public domain, as such it should carry your brand forward.
  2. For true online success, find your online niche: determine your business goals online, then we'll explore keyword analysis to find online avenues of success for you to follow to obtain those goals.
  3. Make a website your clients enjoy, Engage, entertain, and empower your visitors and they will come to to your site, again and again. Search Engine Optimization shouldn't dictate your decisions... just be mindful of them.

Successful online projects are deeply rooted in sound strategy. Wink's uses the best tools to align your online goals with that of your customers.

  • Digital Strategy
  • Website Analysis
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Technology Analysis
  • User Flow Mapping
  • User Testing
  • Tracking & Data Analytics

Website Design

Wink's design process is where we identify your target audience, message, and needs, then develop the type, structure, and style for your unique site.

Deliverables from this stage include a site layout, keywords that will run your search engine optimization (SEO) campaign, and a completed worksheet of the color, style, and composition wanted for your site.

Once an understanding has been reached about what your vision is concerning your future website, Wink's uses a step by step, prototyping process of web design. We get to know your company, your marketplace and competition to educate our design decisions. Combining our creative talent with industry expertise in an engaging, collaborative process, we take pride in delivering smart designs that are custom to your target audience and your long-term goals.

Publish Website

Get out there. Get Noticed. Get Business.

Well, your web site is beautiful, all your friends and neighbors are wow'ed and that feeling of a job well done is settling in... oops, not so fast! We aren't done yet!

Now it's time to embark on one of the most essential process in the creation of a successful web site: Web Site Promotion.

Steps to Great Web Site Promotion

Done. From the first moment of designing your site Wink's have created a unique experience based on the goals you set for your site. We even incorporated important Site Optimization techniques, remember all that optimization work when we were structuring your web page with the planning worksheet? Finally, we create a Google Sitemap to super shoot your site into the Google page ranking structure!

So, you're jazzed about the new site. Your friends have checked it out, and you are even mentioning the URL address to clerks at stores. Great! So let's do some more horn tooting!

Submitting your Site

Wink's standard web package insures that you will be submitted to the top search engines. Other options include submitting your site to Open Directory organizations which is very time consuming to set up and takes a while to process because they are put together by humans, not machine-generated sprawling text indexes. Try not to obsess over getting listed in every possible directory. In the long run the search engines will be much more important sources of users than the directories.

Beyond getting your site submitted to the online world through the major search engines there are several very industry depended techniques to get your site noted. Try one of these self promotion techniques:

  • Share link on your Social accounts
  • Share link with like-minded sites
  • Send out a direct response mailing

*Wink's can help! If any of these self promotion techniques appeal to but you don't have the time or inclination to pursue it just let Wink help! Help, it's what we do best!

Assess Website

Wink's believes your success is our success. That is why we don't just walk away after your project is done. Our standard operating procedures at project end include setting up a Google Webmaster account for your website on our Google Search Console. Wink's reviews your site after six weeks and six months after implementation to insure visitors are finding your site and the site is working as designed.

Suggestions for continued happiness with your online site:

  • Read your Analytic Report Monthly
  • Update you website at the least every other month with added content to existing areas, new promotional offers, etc.
  • Always get your website link out there!
    • add it to any thing you share,
    • add it to email signature,
    • add it to your social media postings,
    • mention it to your barber,
    • etc.